Этническая ринопластика

ethnic rhinoplasty

Этническая ринопластика

Ethnic rhinoplasty in Turkey

Ethnic Rhinoplasty Surgery is a procedure tailored towards those with a unique nasal characteristic attributable to their ethnic origin.

Asian noses

As Asian noses have a low nasal bridge, they appear short. The tip of the nose is almost always round and wide. Wearing glasses is also a challenge because of the lower bridge. Ethnic rhinoplasty for those of Asian origin involves raising and refining the tip of your nose and then restructuring its bridge. The overall objective is to create a proportionate balance between the bridge and nasal tip.

Arabian and North African noses

Those of Arabian or north African origin tend to have longer noses with a more prominent tip. The tip is generally dipping down toward the upper lip. This can create a humped appearance and the internal structure of the nose will therefore be deficient and cause breathing difficulties.

Hispanic and African noses

Those of Hispanic or African origin frequently have noses that are more rounded at the tip. Nostrils ay be larger and wider. For this type of nose, your surgeon would soften and balance the overly prominent features of your nose to bring balance and harmony to your nose and the rest of your facial features.

What are the benefits of an ethnic rhinoplasty?

Our objective at Saluss is to provide balance and beauty with any cosmetic procedure. A desirable nose shape and size, a symmetrical face, an aesthetic balance to your facial appearance and a great boost in your confidence are the greatest benefits to a nose job. With this aim, an ethnic rhinoplasty can create the change you wish for just by correcting the size and angle, straightening the bridge, reshaping the tip, and narrowing the nostrils of your nose.

Why should I have a nose job in Turkey?

You’re likely unhappy with the shape of your nose because of how dominant it is as a facial feature. A crooked, long or large nose is why many of us don’t like our facial appearance. So, we aim to fix those problems by aesthetically balancing your nose with the rest of your facial features. Not only that, a nose job also helps you breathe better which is an important improvement to your physical health.

Am I a good candidate for a nose job?

If you feel that your nose is asymmetrical, crooked or droopy, shallow on the bridge, too large or too small, too wide or too narrow, disproportionate to the rest of your face or even in need of repair due to past injuries or trauma then a nose job is the most ideal surgical option available.

What will we discuss during our consultation?

Before undergoing surgery your Saluss surgeon will ask you what exactly you wish to achieve. You will be asked about your health, allergies and any medical treatments you have undergone in the past as well as any medication or supplements you currently take.

Don’t forget to tell us about any alcohol or cigarette use as this can pose a risk to your health during surgery.

Your surgeon will explain the type of anaesthesia to be used, the risks of the surgery and provide a recommended course of treatment.

How long does a nose job take?

The procedure lasts approximately 2 to 4 hours depending on the procedure performed.

Does Ethnic Rhinoplasty surgery have any risks?

Though extremely minimal, a nose job can result in breathing difficulties, skin discoloration, an altered sense of smell, the bleeding of the nose, numbness, asymmetry and scars.

What should I do before having a nose job?

You must stop taking any blood thinners including aspirin, analgesics including Ibuprofen, and any kind of medication for influenza at least 1 week before your surgery. The same applies for 1 week after your surgery too.

You must stop smoking for at least 1 month before your surgery to reduce the risks of general anaesthesia.

You must not eat or drink anything on the day of surgery. Ensure that you shower the morning of the surgery and that you do not apply any lotion, makeup or perfume before undergoing your operation.

We will take a blood test to evaluate your general health status in order to make sure you are fit for surgery.

When do I see the final result and how long does it last?

You will begin to see your nose take its new shape after four to six months when the swelling completely subsides. It can however take up to a year in some cases for nasal contours to fully refine.

The effects of a nose job are permanent if you have a fully developed face. However due to the anatomy of our bodies, we are subject to physical change throughout our lifetime and so there can be some small changes to your nasal appearance in the distant future.

Maintaining a healthy lifestyle and protecting your skin from sun damage will ensure a positive permanent result on your nose.

What types of nose job procedures are there?

There are many different types of rhinoplasty surgeries that can be performed and each tailor to what you may require.

Open Rhinoplasty: Here, your surgeon will make a small transverse incision on the columella and finely reshape the inner bone and cartilage of your nose by lifting the soft tissue slightly upward. You may have a small scar though this is non-recognizable in almost all cases.

Closed Rhinoplasty: With a close rhinoplasty your surgeon will make a small incision inside your nostrils which eliminate any visible scars.

Ultrasonic Rhinoplasty: This kind of rhinoplasty surgery is performed with the help of an ultrasonic surgical system without harming the soft tissues and cartilages of your nose. Noses with deformations or malformations are reshaped and reconstructed with the help of an ultrasonic aspirator.

Non-Surgical Rhinoplasty: This option involves reshaping your nose by using various filler materials. Though easy to apply, our surgeons rarely perform fillers because the results are temporary and can cause flocculation, especially around the bone of your nose.

Where is my surgery performed?

SALUSS has a network of internationally accredited hospitals, doctor’s clinics and outpatient surgical facilities across Turkey to provide you with the best choice of location for your surgery. Saluss will transfer you to and from the airport, hospital and your hotel.

How is my nose surgery performed?

You will undergo surgery under general anaesthesia or local anaesthesia with sedation. Our surgeons will make the right option depending on the type of rhinoplasty to be performed.

There are two opening incision techniques in a rhinoplasty surgery. The first, Closed Rhinoplasty, is where incisions are hidden inside your nose. The second, Open Rhinoplasty, is where an incision is made at the base of your nose between your nostrils. These incisions raise the skin that cover your nasal bones and cartilages which then allow your surgeon to reshape the structure of your nose.

Following these incisions, your surgeon will begin to reshape your nose in the way you discussed at your consultation. Sometimes cartilage grafts can be performed and so cartilage from the septum, or even the ear and in are cases the rib, are used.

Once your surgeon has reshaped your nose, they will close the incisions and stitch them. These stitches will stay in place for multiple weeks until they dissolve or fall out. With that, your rhinoplasty surgery is complete.

What happens to me right after nose surgery in Turkey?

Right after your surgery you will be taken to your hospital room where you are laid to rest. You will begin to wake up and be provided with a cold compress to put over your eyes and nose. You will spend that day and night at the hospital while our nurses keep check of you periodically to make sure you are in good health.

Pain, discomfort, swelling, blurred vision, dizziness, nausea, bruising under your eyes and bleeding are all completely normal and natural reactions to the surgery. Each reaction will subside in its own time over the next week.

You must limit facial expressions like smiling and laughing for a few weeks in order to stop any harm coming to your nose. Any physical damage caused to your nose from bumps and hits will negatively affect the results of your surgery.

Is there any pain or scarring after my surgery?

Most of our patients will feel mild discomfort and so we prescribe and provide pain and anti-swelling medication to reduce these effects. It is highly rare for you to feel any kind of extreme pain post-surgery.

Closed rhinoplasty surgery hides all scars as the incisions are made inside your nose. Open rhinoplasty however may cause mild scarring at the base of your nose in between your nostrils though these are hidden from general sight. Scars fade over time and Saluss provides treatments to hide any that persist.

What do I do during my recovery and how long will I be in Turkey?

Your stay in Turkey will last a week while we will provide a detailed set of instructions for you to follow during your time here and your recovery. It is highly recommended to avoid salty and spicy foods, excessive chewing, wearing any and all kinds of glasses, blood thinners, supplements, inflammatory drugs, alcohol, and smoking for at least two weeks in order to protect your health and to not hinder the healing process.

Keep your head elevated for the first two to three days in order to reduce swelling. Sleep in a semi reclined position and apply cold packs over your eyes and nose during the same period.

Remember to take your medications daily in the prescribed doses, drink a considerable amount of water to stay hydrated and eat high fibre foods.

Do not blow your nose heavily for at least three weeks and make sure to take baths instead of showers. If this is not possible than avoid contact with water and your nose while taking showers.

Brush your teeth very gently and stay away from hot places such as your radiators as heat increases the chance of nose bleeds.

When are my stitches removed?

Your stitches are removed approximately a week after surgery or left to dissolve if they are the dissolvable type.

When can I drive again and go back to work?

We recommend you not to drive for at least two days and most patients can go back to sedentary jobs within a week. You must wait multiple weeks before returning to manual labour work.

When can I start exercising again?

Light exercises can be performed after a week while we recommend you take short walks to avoid blood clots to your legs. You cannot swim for 3 weeks and cannot perform hard and strenuous exercises for 5 weeks.

When can I have sex again after rhinoplasty surgery?

You must avoid sexual intercourse for at least a week. Following that we recommend only light sexual activity to avoid any strain on the nose.

Are there alternatives to rhinoplasty surgery?

Fillers are an effective yet temporary non-surgical option though Saluss rarely performs these types of procedures.

Can I combine a nose job with other procedures?

It is actually quite common to have other procedures done at the same time of your nose job. Chin and lip augmentations, eyelid lifts, neck lifts and face lifts can be combined with rhinoplasty. The advantages of having multiple procedures done at the same time include the reduction in anaesthesia use, less recovery periods, time saving and affordability.

Why should I choose SALUSS Medical Group for my ethnic rhinoplasty surgery in Turkey ?

You’ll save up to 70% on your treatment with us and there are absolutely no hidden costs. For one price you will receive VIP transfers, treatment, medication, hotel accommodation and after care.

Our medical team will provide you a clear and concise personal treatment plan which underlines every procedure and process you will undergo.

SALUSS transfers you to and from the airport, your hotel and our hospital so you never have to worry about transport during your time in Turkey.

You and your accompanying person will be staying at a five-star all-inclusive beachside hotel and be provided with free translation services whenever in need.

Saluss puts you first. So, we provide free aftercare throughout your healing process by making regular follow up checks and will answer any and all queries you may have.

Privacy and transparency are our core values. Saluss has over 5000 happy patients from 5 different continents and every single visitor receives transparent, reliable and confidential medical information.