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arm lift

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Changes on weight, getting older and heredity can cause your upper arms to have sagging appearance. Unfortunately, you can not correct this situation easily with exercise or diet. We can smooth your tissues with operation. An arm lift, is a surgical procedure for reducing excess skin which is generally sagging and tightening the underlying tissues. We can remove fat in the upper arm region.

How is Arm Lift performing?

Mostly, your surgeon will remove extra fat with liposuction and smooth your arm with incisions on the inside or back your arms. Sometimes, your      surgeon will use an armpit incision or one that extends from the top of your elbow to your armpit.

What is the duration of arm lift operation?

The operation is usually done within three hours.

​Is Arm Lift safe?

Arm lift surgery, like all surgery, comes with a risk of complications, even though arm lift surgery itself is typically very safe. SALUSS team will check in with you during the healing process and are always available to answer any of your concerns.

Am I good candidate for Arm lift?

If you are;

Adult with significant upper arm skin
Healthy and you dont have medical conditions that can delay healing or increase risk of surgery
Are with realistic expectation

What are the advantages of Arm Lift?

Many people have an enormous amount of excess fat and skin between their elbow and armpit . We can remove excess fat and skin.
You will have a better shape.
You will have smoother shape and Skin.
You can hide the scars.

What are the risks of Arm Lift?

Problems about wound healing
Swelling in your arm.
Complications from anesthesia
Blood or fat clots.
Problems about your scar
You will have a large, visible scar on your arm from the surgery.

Before Arm Lift procedure?

Our surgeon will examine you in the clinic or at the hospital.

We will discuss together the best method for your treatment.

If you have conditions like High Blood Pressure or a chronicle disease, We will control through proper diet and medication.

If you are a smoker, you need to stop smoking before surgery to prevent delay in recovery period. We generally suggest to stop it 6 weeks prior  and after the surgery.

Is Arm Lift procedure painful?

Most of our patients had pain in very tolerable level. During your hospitalisation and after you discharge we will support you with pain killers.

What type of anesthesia is used for arm lift surgery?

Your arm lift operation will be performed in the operating room under general anesthesia.

After Arm Lift procedure?

Avoid lifting your arms above shoulder level for four weeks.
Avoid physical and athletic activities with your arms that might stretch the incisions for four to eight weeks after surgery.
Take pain killers as needed and use topical or oral antibiotics as directed to prevent wound infections.
Your stitches will be removed after 10-12 days. Some stitches dissolve on their own. Others must be removed by us.

What should i eat after Arm Lift?

You will follow a balanced diet having low fat and carbohydrates, high fibres, raw greens and fruits. SALUSS team will give you a diet list depending on your body.

The sutures in the arm will allow only limited movement. Such decreased activity can promote constipation. Hence raw fruits, bread, cereals and a diet containing lot of fibres must be included.

The pain killers will be prescribed by your surgeon and SALUSS team will bring it to you.

Alcohol will be avoided for at least 3 weeks after surgery as: It could interact with medications that you are using and can cause complications.

You will not start to smoke again until the scars have healed off completely

How should i exercise after Arm Lift?

Your surgeon suggests to avoid any activities for at least 2 weeks following the surgery.

After the first couple of weeks you will still want to abstain from any mechanical movement which directly places strain on the recovering areas.

You will need rest in order to heal properly.