Подтяжка лица паутиной

spider web face surgery

Подтяжка лица паутиной

Non-surgical facelift using the web is a facial rejuvenation and correction procedure. Fine wrinkles that form with age and under the influence of gravity begin to deepen even more with time, poor weather conditions, poor nutrition and frequent, significant changes in weight can also affect this. The whole process, especially in the face, is not only limited to wrinkles, the cheeks are sagging, a second chin appears, the face begins to take an oval shape. Changes in the face can be clearly seen by looking at old photographs. It is in such cases, the Web Method becomes an alternative to plastic surgery, since non-surgical facial rejuvenation can solve this problem.

Advantages of Spider Web Technique:

With the help of thread lifting, the skin is evened out and defects are eliminated. The effect of changing facial features is excluded.There are no signs of interference. The threads are also not felt at all even when touched and are not visible.The ability to tighten deep wrinkles in the eye area, eliminate overhanging eyelids.Fast recovery — approximately 5 days.Less risk of complications and side effects, while the result is comparable to a circular lift.The ability to select the best threads and vectors of their introduction in each case, that is, a completely individual approach.

Are you a good candidate for Spider Web Technique:


  • Deep nasolabial sulcus;
  • Age-related ptosis of tissues;
  • Sagging cheeks;
  • Drew;
  • Wrinkles of «puppets»;
  • Facial asymmetry;
  • Drooping eyebrows along the outer edge;
  • Drooping cheekbones;
  • Chin flabbiness.

You can not have Spider Web Technique:

  • Pregnancy and lactation;
  • Oncopathology;
  • Autoimmune diseases;
  • Diabetes;
  • Poor blood coagulability;
  • Acute forms of chronic diseases;
  • General infectious diseases;
  • Intolerance of implantable materials;
  • A strong excess of skin tissue;
  • Thrombosis and some other blood pathologies.


The technique of lifting consists in the fact that medical threads are implanted under the patient’s skin, subsequently overgrown with new fibers of their own elastin and collagen. Over time, the threads dissolve, decomposing into water and carbon dioxide. In the tissues, a natural framework remains, which keeps them in a taut state. Another type of thread is non-absorbable. They consist of biocompatible materials and remain in the tissues, serving as a dense skeleton that smoothes and tightens the skin.

The procedure allows you to cope with changes that are inevitable after 30-50 years. It can be folds, wrinkles, sagging and ptosis of the skin. Patients are often interested in how many threads are needed for the facelift procedure. On average, about 30, although it all depends on the amount of intervention, the type of threads and the chosen correction tactics. During the preparation, drugs that affect blood coagulation should be discarded. For several days, you need to give up alcohol, smoking, increased physical exertion. Women are recommended to postpone the procedure for a period when there will be no menstruation.

Tightening time — up to 40 minutes.

The patient sits in a special cosmetic chair. If the procedure takes place in the operating room, then — lies on the table.
Facial examination, cleansing, marking.

Our surgeon takes a photo of the patient to compare the results before and after in standard projections.

Providing application of anesthesia (general anesthesia can sometimes be used).

Implantation of threads, their tightening to simulate the desired result, trimming the ends of the threads.


  • Allergic reaction;
  • Broken facial expressions;
  • Infection;
  • Thread offset;
  • Violation of the contour of the oval of the face;
  • Dents in puncture sites;
  • Transmission of threads through the skin

Our Pricing Plan

  • Dental Implant45
  • Another Feature50
  • Another Major Feature55
  • Emergency Care25
  • Prescription Drugs30
  • Specialist Visits20
  • Rheumatology25