Подтяжка бровей

brow lift

Подтяжка бровей

Brow lift in Turkey

A brow lift is a procedure in which the brows are raised from their original position. A brow lift aims to improve the appearance of your forehead and brows as well as the area around your eyes. This is done by raising the soft tissue in and around your brows and forehead.

Do I need a brow lift?

If one brow is more raised than the other, your brows are sagging or there is an asymmetrical appearance in and around your brows, then a brow lift is the most ideal solution. It will boost your self-confidence and mental health knowing that you now possess a more attractive and natural appearance in the brows.

Why would I need to get a brow lift?

As we age, parts of our body begin to sag, reshape or move down. Our brows typically begin to move further down the more we age. This is because our skin loses its elasticity, leading to the distance of our brows and eyes to shorten. The result is a tired or sad looking face. The reason why anyone would desire a brow lift is to correct this issue.

Are there any risks?

As with any cosmetic procedure, there are risks. These are however very minimal and are usually caused by incorrect aftercare. Your Saluss doctor will provide all the necessary medications and instructions to follow in order to minimise or eliminate risks.

Scarring might be visible after a brow lift. Hair problems may occur due to the elevated hairline or hair loss from the incision locations. Hair loss typically heals on its own however if this is not the case then scar excisions or hair grafting can resolve this.

Temporary or permanent numbness can also be a side effect though again, the probability is low.

Asymmetry in the position of your brows is another risk though this may even out during the recovery process. Additional surgery will remedy any permanent asymmetry in the brows.

What must I do before brow lift surgery?

Your Saluss doctor will explain all the requirements and expectations for brow lift surgery. The most important thing to do is to prepare yourself for surgery.

You must stop taking any blood thinners including aspirin, analgesics including Ibuprofen, and any kind of medication for influenza at least 1 week before your surgery. The same applies for 1 week after your surgery too.

You must stop smoking before your surgery to reduce the risks of general anaesthesia.

You must not eat or drink anything on the day of surgery. Ensure that you shower the morning of the surgery and that you do not apply any lotion, makeup or perfume before undergoing your operation.

We will take a blood test to evaluate your general health status in order to make sure you are fit for surgery.

What kinds of procedures are there and how long does it take?

Surgery takes approximately 2 hours and there are multiple techniques to brow lift surgery which you and your Saluss surgeon will discuss in detail. Your surgeon will evaluate your brows and facial features to determine what is best. The techniques include endoscopic brow lift, a hairline brow lift, and a coronal brow lift.

What is the result and what happens after surgery?

The soft tissue of your brows will have been raised which give you a youthful and happier appearance. After surgery, bandages will be placed on your brows and possibly your forehead to reduce swelling. Any excess blood is drained via tubing. Once surgery is complete your surgeon will provide you with all the instructions necessary for the recovery process. Saluss will provide everything you need for your aftercare including medication and follow up communication.

Why should I choose SALUSS Medical Group for my Brow Lift procedure in Turkey?

You’ll save up to 70% on your treatment with us and there are absolutely no hidden costs. For one price you will receive VIP transfers, treatment, medication, hotel accommodation and after care.

Our medical team will provide you a clear and concise personal treatment plan which underlines every procedure and process you will undergo.

SALUSS transfers you to and from the airport, your hotel and our hospital so you never have to worry about transport during your time in Turkey.

You and your accompanying person will be staying at a five-star all-inclusive beachside hotel and be provided with free translation services whenever in need.

Saluss puts you first. So, we provide free aftercare throughout your healing process by making regular follow up checks and will answer any and all queries you may have.

Privacy and transparency are our core values. Saluss has over 5000 happy patients from 5 different continents and every single visitor receives transparent, reliable and confidential medical information.